Tuesday, April 29, 2008

I think I'll have the ... water. Oh—and with a side of water, please.

From an article:

"Restaurant food is bad for us. You may assume that anything you order at a drive-thru is less than sterling in a nutritional sense, but, in fact, the majority of what we eat at restaurants — even ones with helpful waiters and real tablecloths — is worse for us than we might ever imagine.

A study from the University of Arkansas that found the average diner in this country underestimates his or her caloric intake by up to 93 percent when eating out. Translation: Every time you eat at a restaurant, you're probably eating twice as much as you think."

Yikes! Now, i'm always a little wary of stats that say "up to" x percent ... but still pretty interesting.


The Way EYE See It... said...

I read that to mean that people just don't realize that the Baconator has 1800 calories in it. Or that the "portion" of a box of fries that = 120 calories is NOT what they actually ate.

Better example: I ordered angelhair pasta from Average Joe's on Friday. I estimated it as 3 cups. I may well have eaten 5 cups of pasta. I probably underestimated the amount (and subsequently, the calories).

suz said...

yes, i think you read it exactly right.