Monday, November 19, 2007

Way to go Muncie

We're the most affordable college football town in the country! (So what if we're also the 168th most dangerous.)


The Way EYE See It... said...

Sort of a fluff piece of information, isn't it? Some have said that we're the "most affordable" but also wantus to look at how many people live in poverty in our county (1/3 I think is the current number). Even for 150k many people cannot afford homeownership here.

Like Transformers - there's more than meets the eye.

Jason said...

James: If by fluff you mean this won't change your life, then I'd agree. But I found it interesting as proof to what intuition would tell you. The middle of the country is losing it's population as reflected by home prices.

I don't think the article was trying to define affordable as poverty level affordable. Although Muncie would probably lead the league in that housing as well. :)