Tuesday, December 11, 2007

I finally got my laptop today, to join the rest of the modern world. My nice neighbor Jonah accepted delivery of it today while I was at work. He's from Singapore, and they raise 'em right. After the surprise of such speedy shipment, my evening got even better when I discovered I have a wireless connection for now, something several attempts with university laptops failed to provide. Bad, bad university wireless cards. Shame on you. The only slight downer in this new chapter of Suzanne's personal computing is that in sitting here trying to figure out what I can do online instead of going to bed, I realized ... well ... that I was sitting here thinking really hard trying to come up with something I wanted to do online. Which means I'm probably not too hip when it comes to embracing technology. Oh well. Whatever. I'm sure my web surfer's block will have lifted by the time I get to work tomorrow.


The Way EYE See It... said...

hahaha! I love your last comment especially!

The Way EYE See It... said...

PS: I just noticed that there is a little box I can check to have any additional comments e-mailed to me. Hello follow-up conversations!