Monday, March 3, 2008

how much is a pair of pants worth?

I visited Kyle Nobbe this weekend. He's in downtown Cincinnati, in Over the Rhine, which is not the fanciest part of town. As I walked out to my car to leave yesterday, there were 3 men passing time sitting along the sidewalk and street area a few feet behind my car, and another one sleeping at the side of one of the buildings. They'd been there when i arrived a couple hours earlier, and they were there when i left. I said hi, but all i was thinking was that my scrubby clothes consisted of $30 Adidas swoosh pants. I was walking up to these guys wearing $30 name brand lounging pants.

1 comment:

The Way EYE See It... said...

I read a blog the other day where a guy decided to pass on beer for a year because the $500 he'd spend on beer in a year was more than the amount that a lot of people make in a year. Sobering.